Thursday 25 October 2018

The cat who climbed a MOUNTAIN: Adventurer finds a ginger tabby at the top of Poland's highest peak

Wojciech Jabczynski could not believe his eyes when he saw the ginger tabby cat nonchalantly licking its paws on the summit of Rysy. 
He filmed the animal with his smartphone at the mountain's north-western peak which is 2,499 metres (8,199 feet) high. 

The ginger tabby cat appeared to be in good condition and relaxed at the summit of Poland's highest mountain
The ginger tabby cat appeared to be in good condition and relaxed at the summit of Poland's highest mountain
It is not clear how the cat came to be at the peak of Rysy, thought it was seemingly nonchalant about the 2,499 m (8,199 feet) altitude
It is not clear how the cat came to be at the peak of Rysy, thought it was seemingly nonchalant about the 2,499 m (8,199 feet) altitude

The footage shows the cat looking relaxed at the high altitude but unimpressed with the view as it sits on a rock overlooking a valley.
Mr Jabczynski said the cat did not appear to be afraid and readily approached him when he got out his lunch.
But he added: 'My cheese roll was not on his menu.'

Wojciech Jabczynski filmed the animal with his smartphone at the north-western summit of Rysy
Wojciech Jabczynski filmed the animal with his smartphone at the north-western summit of Rysy
The cat was discovered by mountaineer Wojciech Jabczynski who believes it came from a small hut for tourists under the Rysy peak on the Slovakian side of the mountain
'In my opinion, he came from a small hut for tourists under the Rysy peak on the Slovakian side of the mountain but this is just a hypothesis,' he said.

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