Parking fairy? Parking fairy?
What was that supposed to mean! There couldn’t be any fairy as lame as a parking fairy.
It just didn’t exist! It- it couldn’t exist! I was not working for a fairy company for five years to be a premier parker. I couldn’t even drive, yet.
This had to be a prank. This ability was worse than Rivers, and all her fairy did was make her show up in pictures. It was all a silly, vapid joke, wasn’t it? Maybe after all these years, elves had discovered humor?
But the petit elf was nodding, prompting me to take my fairy and get off the stage. I was holding everyone up. And the fairy in my hands was very, very real. She had a face, wings, and was covered in fairy dust- which would help me
park. She followed a few inches behind me as I ran off the stage, my hands disguising my tear stricken face. It was all wrong, all I my expectations for this day shattered. She giggled in my ear, and it took a whole lot of self restraint not to blow her away with a flick of my wrists.
I had studied for months just to take this test. I had given up sugar completely, the most difficult thing for me to do. I deserved to fly , at the very least. But now, all I had was an ability ranked amongst the most mundane- I’d rather leave town than have an ability like this.
“Way to go, Livi,” one boy cried, “what did you get on your test?”
“Now, now, remember that as long as you passed your exam, the fairy process is completely random. All students who have failed don’t get a fairy at all-“ the elf tried to reason.
“I bet her grade was lower than Marcus Deojon Wagner’s, and he was the only person in history to get into the negatives!” A girl crowed.
“She shouldn’t even be getting a fairy!”
“How stupid can a girl get?”
I wanted to scream. This wasn’t my fault. I had gotten good grades, as far as the exam was concerned. It wasn’t easy to take, not at all! They didn’t realize that the fairy you got had nothing to do with your grade, as long as you passed. The salty, humiliating tears wouldn’t stop leaking from my eyes, and the kids pointed those out, too, commenting on how “babyish” I was, how stupid my fit was. As if they understood what it felt like to get the worst fairy in the world!
“Livi, wait, return to the crowd! You’re not permitted to leave the Ceremony until-“
But I was gone. I had pushed through the throng of students, and had began to sprint away, a few jocks lagging after me, half heartedly. But I was running so fast, that I couldn’t even see where I was going. Maybe it was the speed, or the tears, but I was too blind to stop myself from hitting into every single pagoda around.
I could still hear the other students jeers as I raced away from the crowd. I couldn’t stay near the school, but I couldn’t just run all the way back home. Where could I hide? Where would I find sanctuary from prying eyes? There was only one place I knew, and it was behind the bleachers, the bleachers that were anti-magic, so that no one could cheat on the sidelines with their abilities. Perfect. No one could try and make me envious with their powers while I sat under the bleachers, my spinning head rubbing against the dented seats.
My fairy, my hideous fairy, tickled my shoulder, and I turned to glare at her.
“This is all your fault, isn’t it? Why’d I have to get you?” I moaned.
“The real question is, why did I have to get you . You’re not even remotely grateful! Now you can park perfectly!” She protested in a high, squeaking voice.
“ Grateful ? Grateful ? I studied, gave up sweets, and now I have to work for you for five years for free . It’s not worth the parking spaces!”
“Well, sugar is disgusting, anyways! I don’t know why you humans are addicted to the stuff. I’m making all your meals taste better,” she said, tiny hand on her hip.
I gave her a long, appalled gaze. Yes, maybe sugar was slightly addictive. But who in the world didn’t like it?
“You know what? You need to leave.
“Why?” She said, flying up to my face, “you only just got me!”
I exhaled heavily, and she was blown away for a second. Then, I tried it again, and she hit against the metal, shaking herself off.
“I’m doing what any other fairy owner would. I’m getting rid of you. I don’t want you, anymore! And I never did! I don’t care if I just got you, you’re the worst possible fairy a girl could get. You’re even more stupid then the “dish washing fairy”, and that was in the news!”
Her face began to turn beet red, and she dug her tiny heel into my hand, stomping on it as hard as she could, although not hard enough to do anything to me, anyways. Maybe it would bruise later, at most.
“You’re the fifth human to send me away! You can’t do this! Girls are supposed to love their fairies more than anything! No one wants me around,” she wailed.
“Well, maybe that’s for a reason,” I rolled my eyes, “ever thought of that?”
She collapsed, her wings fluttering angrily.
Suddenly, a smirk spread across her delicate features, a smirk I didn’t like. She knew something that I didn’t.
“You can’t get rid of me, Livi,” she cried.
“And why is that ? I can do whatever I want. It’s part of my rights!”
“Because if you do, I’ll tell them that you tried to blow me away! And that is what the court calls- Fairy Care Malpractice . You’ll be arrested! You’re stuck with me, for life.”
Make sure you
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