Thursday 25 October 2018


‘’W ait a second..why aren’t you in school? Are you a rebellious kid who plays hooky?’’ Ash grinned at me.

He almost.. almost got a laugh out of me but I shook my head instead.
‘’What’s hooky?’’ I speared my last pancake.
They were always so good at the cafe.
Something about the butter made them so silky smooth.
‘’Home schooled. Why aren’t you in school?’’ I challenged back, carefully choosing my words.
Why did he want to know so much about me anyway?
It was really irritating.
But still if he didn’t know about me getting pregnant, then that was a plus.
A fresh new start.
‘’It’s when you skip school. And for your answer, there’s a teachers in service for us today,’’ he took off his glasses.
They were sparkly clean, not even one particle of dust were on them.
That was impressive.
‘’Oh,’’ I shrugged and shoved the plate towards him.
What else was there to say?
I opened my mouth to say ‘’Bye’’ but he cut me off with that energetic voice.
‘’Sorry if I’m making it awkward. Am I? I always make stuff awkward, I just like make this silence that everyone hates,’’ Ash blabbed on and on.
I wish this dude had a ‘’Off’’ button.
‘’Not really. I just keep to myself a lot,’’ I slipped on my saggy backpack.
Which was true. When I first started dating Tim we just stared at each other in a booth.
I didn’t know what to say and he loved me on the first day.
At least that’s what he said.
‘’Wanna see a meme I made? It’s Kermit the Frog, that green guy,’’ he excitedly grinned.
I cleared my throat and smoothed down my hair which was still pretty greasy.
All that pizza caught up to me from Lilly’s cravings.
‘’Actually I have to go,’’ I stood up quickly, shaking the table.
Ash’s face fell and he slid his phone back in his pocket, looking like a little puppy.
‘’Well can I get a number?’’ he piped up.
I took in a sharp breath angrily and held back the strong urge to smack the crap out of him.
‘’So we can talk about stuff. Don’t worry I’m to much of a nerd for dating. Besides your probably taken,’’ Ash handed me a slip of paper.
I felt myself blush at that but then I stopped.
Was I taken?
Or was Tim moving on, and just running away from me?
I turned the pink paper over and memorized the numbers.
He probably was just trying to flirt with me and then I’d figure out he has a girlfriend.
‘’Whatever. See you around I guess,’’ I started for the door.
‘’Uh yeah. See you! Bonjour! Oh wait..that means hello. Never mind. See? I told you I’m dumb,’’ Ash held the door for me.
I gave him a weird look and shook my head, leaving the place.
Why did I even talk to him anyway?
Who wants to be a friend with a girl who got pregnant at sixteen?
Nobody that’s who.

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