Wednesday 24 October 2018

Bombs are addressed to the home of Hillary and Bill Clinton's and also to Barack Obama's DC offices

The Secret Service in Washington D.C. have found an explosive device near Hillary and Bill Clinton's suburban New York home, while another device addressed to former President Obama has been intercepted.

The bomb addressed to Hillary Clinton was discovered late Tuesday within the vicinity of her home in Chappaqua. While the bomb sent to Obama's office in Washington was found Wednesday morning. Both the packages were discovered during routine mail screenings for the Clintons and Obama. 
The Secret Service said the packages were immediately identified as potential explosive devices and were handled as such. They said the packages were intercepted prior to being delivered to Clinton and Obama.

Bombs are addressed to the home of Hillary and Bill Clinton

A Secret Service statement said:
(Obama and Clinton) did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them. 
A law enforcement official says investigators believe the explosive devices are linked to one found Monday at the compound of liberal billionaire George Soros. 
Authorities have launched a multi-agency investigation to identify those responsible.  

Bombs are addressed to the home of Hillary and Bill Clinton
Clintons' home
Bombs are addressed to the home of Hillary and Bill Clinton


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