Wednesday, 24 October 2018
T ina quickly rushed back out with my soggy but delicious pancakes.
Good because my stomach had been grumbling forever. With Lily it had been worse.
She made me have the weirdest cravings.
Pickles with mustard..
Hot-dogs and chocolate..
‘’I gotta go. My son got sick at school and I have to pick him up,’’ she threw down my plate.
I blinked at the sopping chunk of butter spread on the food.
‘’Um could I get that coffee?’’ I piped up.
Ever since Tim had gave me a sip, it was like I couldn’t get enough of the stuff.
It. Was. Just. So. Good.
‘’I’ll get the newbie kid to bring it out. See you baby,’’ she patted my head and rushed out.
Newbie kid?
The Cafe never liked to get cashiers because they couldn’t trust them.
I pulled out my phone and pulled down the messaging, grimacing at Carly’s name.
Just then something warm splattered all over me.
‘’What the-‘’ I looked down at the sticky liquid spread on my legs.
‘’Oh my God!’’ A nervous voice squeaked out.
I looked up and growled, inspecing the kid. He must’ve been the newbie.
The boy was wearing tight jeans and a nerdy plad shirt.
I couldn’t really see over the thick glasses he was wearing, but his eyes were defintley blue.
I had read of that combo in books but never saw it in real life.
‘’I am so you want some napkins?’’
No, I wanted to sit in the booth and feel like I had just peed myself.
‘’Uh yeah,’’ I snapped wincing as the hot liquid seeped deeper into my shorts.
‘’I’ll get napkins..’’ the boy put a hand to his face and groaned.
I tapped my fingers impatiently on the table and rolled my eyes at my phone buzzing.
He rushed back and stuffed them into my hands.
I snatched them away and started rubbing furiously at my backpack first.
‘’Oh is that leather? Oh geez that’ll never come out,’’ he cringed watching me.
I turned my back to him and finished rubbing out my jeans and bag.
It slightly worked, but there was still a thick stain of brown covered everywhere.
‘’Your not um..that mad right?’’ the boy squeezed his small hands together.
I decided to not reply and hoped he would just leave me alone so I could wolf down my pancakes.
‘’ I could always get you free coffee,’’ he grinned at me.
I shook my head slightly and picked my fork up.
‘’It’s crazy back there, the Chef is like Italian and I have no idea what’s he saying at all,’’ he laughed.
I blinked at the huge chunk of words he had spit together.
‘’Sorry I talk a lot. When I’m nervous mostly..but I do talk too much. That’s what my Mom says anyway,’’ the boy shoved his glasses up his nose.
I don’t really care.
I dumped some syrup on my pancakes and started cutting the bigger one in half.
‘’Anyway, what’s your name? I’m Ash,’’ he beamed.
That was a weird name. Especially coming from a girl who’s name was a flower.
‘’Dahlia,’’ I gripped another napkin and furiously scrubbed at my hand.
‘’That means elegance and dignity. I wish I had elegance, I ran into a wall today. Check it out..I got a huge bruise,’’ he started to pull down his shirt.
Okay this was getting really weird. I had just met him.
‘’ Woah there. I’m good,’’ I widened my eyes.
‘’Right. Sorry I’m a idiot. I’m new..that’s why,’’ Ash smacked his forehead.
All I could do was shove food into my mouth and not make eye contact.
Rule One: Of Ignoring People.
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