Sunday 1 July 2018

Oregon police shoot knife-wielding man after he 'fatally stabbed another man during an attempted break-in'.

A man who allegedly stabbed another man to death with a knife was shot by Oregon police early Saturday morning.

Officers from the Eugene Police Department responded to a 911 call around 4.30am about a man attempting to break into a home. During the attempted break-in, the male victim confronted the intruder and was stabbed in the neck and shoulder.

 Police said the unidentified victim was rushed to a local hospital where he later died of his injuries. Two officers found the knife-wielding attacker, who has not been identified, in the backyard of a home nearby along West 13th Avenue. A police report said that two officers ordered the man to drop the knife. When the man refused, one officer unsuccessfully used a taser. 

Authorities said multiple shots were then fired and the suspect was hit. The suspect was also rushed to a local hospital, where he is still being treated for his injury. Two officers found the knife-wielding attacker, who has not been identified, in the backyard of a home nearby along West 13th Avenue. 

A police report said that two officers ordered the man to drop the knife. When the man refused, one officer unsuccessfully used a taser. Authorities said multiple shots were then fired and the suspect was hit. The suspect was also rushed to a local hospital, where he is still being treated for his injury. 'This was a dangerous, rapidly evolving situation with a violent suspect,' Chief Chris Skinner said.

 'All indications are that officers gave the suspect every opportunity to comply, including use of taser, and then were were faced with the difficult but necessary decision to use deadly force,' Skinner added. Lane County's Interagency Deadly Force Investigation Team is currently conducting an investigation to determine whether the shooting was justified. Both officers involved have been placed on leave during the investigation.

 According to The Register-Guard, Jessica Frink told police she heard the commotion as it unfolded Saturday morning. Frink, in whose backyard the suspect was found, said she heard officers tell the man to drop the knife, but she didn't hear the man respond. 'I wasn't too surprised when I heard the shots. There definitely seemed to be something wrong with his mental state,' Frink said, adding that the man had banged on her window. Police said the suspect does not appear to live in the are, but he does have relatives in Eugene. 

Chief Skinner said the man has a criminal history, but no connection has been established between the suspect and the home he wanted to enter.

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