Monday 30 July 2018

Nigerian Man Whose Wife Put to Birth Quintuplets Says He Almost Ran Away...

A commercial tricyclist (Keke NAPEP rider), Mr Abuchi Odoh and his wife, Ndidi, a trainee seamstress have been embarrassed with an overwhelming
joy after the woman gave birth to quintuplets last week Thursday.

Mrs Odoh, 30, was delivered of the quintuplets, four males and one female, through caesarean surgey at God’s Mercy Maternity Home, Obiuno Otolo, Nnewi, Anambra State said she was actually suspecting that it would not be a single birth because of how heavy she felt during the pregnancy.

Prior to the birth of the quintuplets, she had had three girls delivered in single births and a set of triplets, all boys, though two of the boys later died, one year and three months after they were delivered.

Commenting on the outcome of the latest pregnancy, the husband, Mr Odoh, said he never bargained for quintuplets as he was still battling to feed his family, given his meagre income.

When he was told that his wife had given birth to five babies, 40-year-old Odoh, a native of Okparigbovoko Nsukka in Enugu State said that he wanted to run away from the responsibility of taking care of the five babies not because he did not appreciate the blessing but because he did not know where to start from to raise money to handle the crisis.

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