Sunday 25 November 2018


Maina Nyambura was mad at his nephew Mwangi Wanjiru for reporting him to police
- Wanjiru reported Nyambura to police after he refused to put lid over a borehole located next to his house
- Wanjiru argued the uncovered borehole was a death trap for his young children who played near it
A 50-year-old man from Murang'a County has narrowly escaped death in the hands of an irate mob that was baying for his blood after he allegedly slashed his nephew with a panga and torched his house following dispute over a borehole.
Maina Nyambura, a resident of Kagongo village in Kiairathe location, was incensed by his 35-year-old nephew Mwangi Wanjiru's decision to report him at Kangema Police Station for being adamant to put lid over a 20 feet borehole located next to his house, which he argued was a death trap for his two young children whom he feared could fall into the hole.
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The house belonging to Maina Wanjiru at Kagongo village in Kangema that was set ablaze by his uncle Maina Nyambura. Photo: Tuko.
According to the village elder, the borehole that had become a source of dispute between Wanjiru and his uncle Nyambura was dug by Nyambura's late mother to provide water to the family.
50-year-old Murang’a man torches nephew’s house over a borehole
Nyambura was therefore expected to cover the borehole, despite his nephew drawing and using water from the facility, but he declined to do so.
Wanjiru then started to return the soil back to the borehole to fill it, a move that angered his uncle and the two picked a fight before neighbours moved in and separated them.
Wanjiru who was the aggrieved party in this case was advised to go and file a report at Kangema Police Station, about three kilometres away.
“Wanjiru went to report as we kept vigil at the home and after a few minutes he came back saying he was advised that he goes back to the station with people who had witnessed the incident so that charges could be filed against his uncle. As he and the witnesses were about to leave, Nyambura went berserk and cut him with a panga before rushing back to his house and set it on fire," Njoroge said.
The inferno that gutted the two-roomed house was reportedly accelerated by a gas cylinder that exploded and burnt all the household items among them Wanjiru's boda boda (motorycle).
Neighbours who rushed to the distress call had to demolish a kitchen adjacent to the house to prevent the fire from spreading further.
The assailant who is unmarried then escaped as a blood thirsty mob pursued him and caught up with him at a relative’s home where the family had locked him in the kitchen.
The mob descended on him with kicks and blows before the area chief arrived and saved him from the jaws of death.
He was then arrested and handed over to police as the nephew was rushed to hospital.
Paul Kimani Mbaru who is a former civic leader in the region and who rushed to the home, told the assailant had a few days earlier appeared like somebody who was confused, adding that he was suspected to be using drugs.
“We were surprised to find that there was an opening at the back of his house that he used to sneak in and out of the house. It was hard for one to establish when he was in the house or out of the house as it was always closed with a padlock.”
Mbaru called on the residents to sort their differences amicably instead of resorting to violence and blood shed.
Story by Mark Wachira, Muranga County

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