Tuesday 20 November 2018


While infidelity, money, lack of children and communication is the chief reason marriages crash, the different marriage mindset people go into marriage with is another crucial factor why marriages crash.
Many men go into marriage with all the wrong reasons and mindset.
Most men think getting married means, 
Now I have someone to do all my chores.
I will no longer cook or go to the market.
I have a child bearing and raising robot
They think, I now have a personal maid that I allow to share my bed and I provide for her in return.
And for that reason, I have a right to decide what happens in her life because she is suppose to submit to me. 
So I can tell her to quit her job, wake her up at 3am to go downstairs and get me water to drink or come home at 8pm after she has made dinner and tell her I don't want rice, I want yam and fish sauce.
Most men believe being married means being a mini god and wife should worship them.
They believe as the husband they should decide what she wears, what hairstyle she is allowed to make, if she should wear make up or not and when she can visit friends or her family.
These unhealthy expectations does not only break the spouse heart, it is a clog in the will of progress in your home.
Such mindset sow discord and breeds contempts.
People should go into marriage with a mindset that foster their partners' welfare and put them first.
It doesn't matter whether your father ruled as the mafia. Was your mother fulfilled pretty happy? Would you like your daughter to be treated that way?

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