Wednesday 24 February 2016

Toxic: Emily Pankhurst, 20, suffered life-threatening blood poisoning after leaving in a tampon for nine days

A student who blamed feeling bloated and under the weather
on stress was actually suffering from deadly toxic shock
syndrome after forgetting to remove a tampon for nine days.
Emily Pankhurst, 20, ignored her symptoms as she was
busy studying for her final university exams.
But one day she realised she had accidentally left a tampon
in for more than a week, which was entirely black when she
removed it.
A few hours later she became faint, began to slur her words
and her skin became mottled, so her mother immediately
called an ambulance.
In intensive care, doctors said she was suffering blood
poisoning as a result of toxic shock syndrome, a life-
threatening infection caused by the tampon.
They gave her antibiotics and managed to save her life - but
Miss Pankhurst temporarily lost her mobility and is still unable
to walk long distances.
Describing the moment she realised she had left a tampon in
for nine days, she said: 'When I finally realised, I pulled it out it
was pure black.
'I wouldn't have known what it was apart from the string. It
was horrible. I immediately chucked it in the loo, I felt sick.'
Miss Pankhurst, who is studying criminology at the University
of Canterbury, originally inserted the tampon during her period
last month.

Credit, Daily mail

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