Monday 29 February 2016

Bangladeshi woman has acid thrown on her by husband after they had an argument

Tarnia Parvin, 25, suffered severe burns to her face, arms and upper body after she had acid thrown on her by her husband following a trivial, domestic issue. She was rescued by locals who heard her agonized screams and took her to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital where she is being treated. The incident took place at 8pm local time as she was going to prayers.

Of these, 1847 were female, 901 were male and 877 were children, according to the Acid Survivors Foundation.
Some criminals have used acid to inflict devastating pain on their victims, due to its low cost and horrific impact.

According to Bangladesh National Women Lawyer Association, in 2015 violence for dowry, and stalking had increased and incidents resulted in the killing of 1,847 women and girls while 301 others had committed suicide.

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