Sunday 21 February 2016

Kanye West struggles to control his 'impulses'

"It's been a rough week for Kim. She has lots of support from her family though. Everyone knows that Kanye, once in a while, goes on public rants and they are all very understanding that it's exhausting for Kim. It's like a tick that he has," a source told
"When he starts his rants, it's very difficult for him to stop. When he starts venting, it's like he needs to get it all out. Kanye might seem mentally unstable at times, but there has never been any concern for Kim, or the kids. Kanye just has a problem controlling his impulses," the source added.
However, the insider said that the issue does not "usually affects their everyday life."
"Their marriage is not perfect, but there are no plans to split," the source added.

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