Saturday 27 February 2016

Meet the couple who quit their jobs and retired in their 30s to spend their lives travelling the world - and they're sharing their VERY frugal secrets so you can too

Retiring in your 30s and travelling the world may sound like a dream, but for one couple, the never-ending holiday is a reality.

Couple Jeremy Jacobson and partner Winnie Tseng - along with their nearly year-old son Julian, are at present basking in the sun on Malaysia's Penang island.

Recently, their travels have taken them to Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Ecuador, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand - the list goes on.

Winnie Tseng and partner Jeremy Jacobson retired in their 30s to travel the world, and now have an extra member in their team - son Julian

The couple quit their jobs about three years to begin travelling, which they document on social media, often with beautiful, envy-inspiring photographs - many of which are taken by Ms Tseng, a trained photographer.

In their blog, Go Curry Cracker, which provides advice about following the same path they have, they explain that they had normal lives, grew up in low income families, went to university and took out student loans

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