Sunday 9 October 2016

'They had a bad day yesterday': Bill Clinton coolly brushes off Trump protesters who disrupted his event and called him a 'rapist'.

  • Donald Trump protesters disrupted Bill Clinton's climate change speech 
  • The protesters called Clinton a 'rapist' and were removed from event 
  • Clinton brushed them off telling audience 'they had a bad day yesterday' 

  • It's hard not to take your frustrations out on others when you've 'had a bad day' as Bill Clinton put it after protesters interrupted his event on Saturday.
    Clinton was in Milwaukee discussing climate change when Donald Trump protesters shouted: 'Bill Clinton is a rapist!'
    The former president told his supporters to give Trump's protesters a hand as they were removed from the event, CBS News reported. 
    'Don't worry about it. Thank you,' he said. 

    Bill Clinton was in Milwaukee discussing climate change when Donald Trump protesters shouted: 'Bill Clinton is a rapist!' Clinton brushed them off telling his audience that 'they had a bad day yesterday'
    He went on to say: 'You gotta feel sorry for them, they had a bad day yesterday, so they're trying to make it up.'
    His remarks were an indirect reference to the release of Trump's recording.  
    Clinton told his audience that the problem with politics is that 'when other people pour poison down your throat, don't drink it'.

    In a video statement, Trump apologized for the remarks he made in 2005. 
    But he also took a jab at Clinton, saying: 'Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.
    'We will discuss this more in the coming days.'
    Not long after those remarks, did Trump share rape allegations against Clinton on Twitter when he retweeted two comments from Clinton's accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

    Despite the fact his own campaign has been pushed to the brink by the recording from 2005 in which he brags about groping women without their consent and details how he tried to seduce a married woman, Trump was back on Twitter to share the posts.
    The first post from Broaddrick read: 'How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things! HRC threatened me after BC raped me.'
    Trump followed the first retweet moments later by sharing a second comment from Broaddrick.
    'Hillary calls Trump's remarks "horrific" while she lives with and protects a "Rapist". Her actions are horrific,' it read.  

    Bill Clinton has long denied Broaddrick's accusations, and Hillary has declined to address them.


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