Tuesday 4 December 2018


The whole story  changed when Ayodeji’s friend, Sodiq Abefe, who brought the plan, told them that the human head they banked on was no longer available.
Ayodeji, whose lover had a new baby for him few days before the murder, said he needed money to buy ram and other condiments for naming ceremony while his elder brother wanted to have some money to support the ceremony.
“I was desperate for money. I needed money by all means for my daughter’s naming ceremony. My girlfriend gave birth and the naming was near but I did not have money to buy ram. Sodiq knew that I needed money badly for the naming and so, he came to me with his friend Don and told me to assist them deliver human head to an agent. He said they already had the head and that I should not be afraid since I was not going to kill anyone.
“He gave me a bag to bring on Tuesday to an uncompleted building where we agreed to meet. So, I went and told my brother about it. At first, he objected but later agreed to follow me because I have not been to that place before.
“It was an uncompleted building in a hidden street. We got there at about 7:00p.m. and we met Sodiq and Don there. They now said that the human head that was available was no longer available and that we need to get someone to behead. Sodiq said to make money was not easy that I should brace up. He said himself and Don would do it for me if I couldn’t myself that we should just get a target. “For about 20 minutes that we were there, all the people passing were in groups of three or four. There was no one passing alone for easy attack. So, Sodiq suggested that we should go to a busy area to lure somebody. It was my brother Saheed who went to get someone. Since he’s a Lagos boy, we agreed it would be easier for him to convince someone to follow him to the uncompleted building.
“I first objected to killing him because he’s the younger brother of our friend, Femi. Sodiq now said that to make money is not easy that we have to kill him. He said he has already stabbed the boy on the neck that if we should let him go, he would tell his parents and everyone else how we wanted to kill him. “Seeing that he had a point, we agreed that the boy should be killed and Sodiq asked my bother and I to hold his legs because the boy was struggling with him. That was how we held his legs firmly and Sodiq slaughtered his neck. It took about one minute for his head to fall off,” said Ayodeji.
Saheed confirmed he was the one who lured Makinde to the slaughter slab by sending him on an errand to buy Mirinda, a non-alcoholic beverage. According to him, he gave the boy N200 to buy two bottles of Mirinda, keep one for himself and bring the other one to the uncompleted building for him.He said: “He brought the two Mirinda to the building and was drinking his own. I distracted him with discussion so that Sodiq and Don can take action. While I was talking with him, they grabbed him from behind and took him to one of the rooms.
“Sodiq had the knife, then he stabbed him on the neck. We held his legs for Sodiq to cut off his head. Then, his head was put inside the bag that Sodiq had given my brother and we left his body in the building. We went to the bus-stop in search of the agent who Sodiq was to give the head to and collect our N200,000.
“After waiting for a while, Don entered a motorcycle and later resurfaced with a man he said was the agent. It was while we were all going to withdraw the money for our payment that my brother and I were arrested.
“Sodiq was the one carrying the bag containing the head. He dropped it and ran away when he realised we have been caught. Don also fled. It was my brother, myself and the agent that entered the red vehicle that the police first used. Later, it was my brother and I that they put inside the Hilux. I suspect that the agent was a police mole. That was what happened. I feel very bad because I was the one who lured him to be killed. I regret my action.”

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