Tuesday 22 November 2016

EXCLUSIVE: 'Fed up' Kim is 'bickering constantly' with 'narcissistic' Kanye West and is 'taking time out' on the rapper who is 'jealous of Beyoncé and seething with rage over Jay Z rift'.

Kim Kardashian has been left ‘furious’ by husband Kanye West’s latest meltdown – and thinks it’s time for him to ‘grow up, stop having tantrums and be a man’, according to friends.
West’s ‘narcissistic’ behavior has proved problematic and friends tell DailyMail.com that she wants him to ‘grow up and be a man’ and be a proper source of support for her.
Meltdown: Kanye's latest rant took place in Sacramento on Saturday night, pictured, where he targeted Beyoncé, Jay Z and Hillary Clinton. Two days later he cancelled his entire tour
Cancelled: Kanye first cancelled his LA show before ending the whole tour on Monday
‘She wants him to grow up and really be a man, stop throwing tantrums and thinking throwing a tantrum on stage is more important than being with your children

‘You would think he would be scared and concerned for his wife given what she’s just gone through and yet, he was more upset and more concerned about how others, in his view, treated him,’ said a friend of the rapper’s.
‘It’s very narcissistic and they [Kim, Khloe and Kris] do feel that he is a narcissist and has narcissistic personality disorder because he really does always make it about him.
‘It wasn’t about Kim, it was about how he felt about the way they [Beyoncé and Jay-Z] mistreated him.
‘That’s why Khloe and Kris are upset because it’s always about him when it boils down to it. He tries to throw their names in, Kim’s name in, but it always boils down to him.’
Cc dailymail

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