Monday 21 November 2016

Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted amid Hillary's failed run for the presidency.

Non-profit's latest tax filings show donations fell 37 per cent $108million
This is compared to $172million in contributions to the group in 2014
Donations fell as the former Secretary of State left the group in April 2015
Her departure also meant revenue brought in from paid speeches plunged from $3.6million in 2014 to just $357,500
Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted amid Hillary Clinton's failed presidential run, it has been revealed.

The non-profit organization's latest tax filings show contributions fell 37 per cent to $108million - down from $172million in 2014, according to the New York Post.

Donations fell as the former Secretary of State left the group in April last year shortly after announcing her run for the White House.

Her departure also meant that revenue brought in from paid speeches plunged from $3.6million in 2014 to just $357,500.

The foundation became an issue during the presidential campaign when Donald Trump pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate it amid pay-to-play allegations.

Trump called the foundation 'the most corrupt enterprise in political history' adding, 'It must be shut down immediately.'

It's not known whether Trump will keep his promise as he has since backed down in a recent interview on his vow to investigate Clinton again for her use of a private email server, calling the Clintons 'good people.'

But Rep. Jason Chaffetz, head of the House Oversight Committee, has suggested that the investigation into the foundation will continue.

Last year, Charity Navigator placed the foundation on its watchlist, a feature it added in 2014.

In the Clinton Foundation's case, the watchdog cited multiple concerns, including news reports about the foundation accepting donations from foreign governments.

It had voluntarily sworn off that practice while Clinton led the State Department, but the donations started again when she left her post.

This became a concern as she was expected to announce her presidential bid.

Charity Navigator removed the foundation from its watchlist in December, after the foundation amended its tax returns and clarified its position on foreign donations.

The watchdog gave the non-profit high marks in September after the heightened interest in the organization promoted an evaluation.

The Clinton Foundation received four out of four stars — the highest rating that Charity Navigator gives after a close look at a charity's finances.

While Trump has donated to the foundation previously, he has charged Hillary Clinton with creating a 'pay-for-play' scheme at the State Department through the work of the foundation.

Bill Clinton oversees the foundation with daughter Chelsea Clinton.

The Clinton Foundation, which includes the Clinton Global Initiative and other charities, supports programs aimed at aiding communities in need around the world.

It was hit with internal strife after Chelsea took on a more active role in 2013, when it was renamed the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Defending the foundation's mission recently, the former president pointed to more than 11.5 million people in more than 70 countries who have gained access to HIV/AIDS drugs at a much lower cost and millions of American students who have healthier food and more physical education options because of the foundation.

He also noted the foundation's work around the globe, including efforts to help improve Haiti's sustainability, foster job training in Latin America and support farmers in East Africa.

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