Wednesday 1 August 2018

My son could have died': Florida mother tells how her son suffered a severe asthma attack just 10 minutes after he ate a liquid nitrogen-infused cereal called Dragon's Breath

Florida mother says her son almost died after suffering an asthma attack when he ate a liquid nitrogen-infused cereal called Dragon's Breath.
Racheal McKenny and her husband John took their two children to a shopping mall in Jacksonville last week where they bought the snack from a vendor. 
McKenny said her son Johnny, who has mild asthma, had spotted the cereal-like treat on their way out of the mall and had asked to try it. 
The colorful snack is coated in liquid nitrogen and makes smoke come out of a person's nose and mouth after eating it.
'We let the kids split one order of the Dragon’s Breath cereal treats. They had fun and it seemed harmless enough,' McKenny wrote on Facebook in a lengthy warning post. 
She shared a video of the two children eating the treat and smiling as they blew smoke out of their mouths. 
But McKenny said 10 minutes into their drive home, Johnny started coughing and it progressively became worse until he was having trouble breathing.
'We knew he couldn’t breathe, and we knew that we couldn’t get him to the hospital in time,' McKenny said. 
They rushed to a nearby fire station where EMTs immediately gave the boy a inhalation treatment and placed him on a IV drip as they prepared to transport him to a hospital. 

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