Wednesday 17 April 2019

Corps member sadly dies after falling of a commercial bus in Lagos Nigeria.(graphic photo)

A corps member has died after he fell off a commercial bus in Lagos. Akhigbe Nuel Odiase, a recent law graduate, was in a bus plying the LASU-Isheri road when he fell from the moving vehicle at about 9:45pm on the night of April 15, 2019.
He sustained a severe head injury from the accident and was rushed to the nearby Alimosho General Hospital, Igando, where he was given first aid treatment. He was then transferred to LASUTH where he died later that night from his wounds. 

Boaz Kelvin Olumba wrote: 

The efforts And love you put into Law, into life.. You strived to be better, even though you didnt get the first class you aimed at LS you made a clear 2.1.. You emerged so beautifully...
I dont want to believe its all vanity.. You cannot die in that khaki.. Please i hear miracles happen and its never too late. 

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