Humans are not exactly wild animals, but they are not domesticated either. Humans are proven to be the most intelligent species of animals on Earth.
Humans' colours vary from almost pepper black to milky white. People are responsible for more death than any other species. I don't understand why humans think we're so special and own the world when really we're just one species of animal among many. The planet would be better off if humans had never existed, I believe. We killed some the animal species, and started wars that took the lives of millions, and we have life threatening bombs. Humans kill animals they even kill each other there are more people killed every year by serial killers and murders than there are by any animal in the whole world so we are the most dangerous animal Animals kill animals too. It's called the food chain, and we're on top. Someone has to be!.
All I can say is (although there'll be a lot of hate), is that there is a lot of hate being directed at humans.
1. If you are a human, why would you want human to go extinct? Have some pride!
2. We are dangerous, true, but without our weapons, how weak are we exactly? For those living in Canada, where guns are illegal, who do you think is more dangerous, you or a tiger?
3. Humans killing human are not the main cause of death. Cancer and illness are, something we are putting our intelligence and money to work against.
4. We supervise many lakes and land areas to make sure animals don't become extinct naturally (Ex. The top of the food chain (wild cats) grow too vast and kill those under them too swiftly) Then we step in. We don't TRY to make them extinct.
5. If you guys all care about this so much, why are you reading this instead of doing something. Send an email or make a phonecall to an organization you disapprove of. YOU are capable HUMANS. (Although after reading, Out of all the animals here, and based on what kills the most people, humans sare most dangerous. The truth is, people taste bad, so nothing really eats us. Not that dangerous, to be honest. Mosquitoes are the most dangerous. - Blight.
Spanish for "small fly," mosquitoes are flies that have been known to cause various diseases . A sample of diseases caused by mosquitoes: malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus. Mosquitoes might not seem as scary and big as the animals listed above, but is indeed the most dangerous animal in the world. Mosquitoes have the highest death toll of any animal, killing 1 million people annually by spreading malaria. I have heard somewhere that they have caused 50% of all human deaths in history, excluding wars and disasters. Both mosquitos and humans are the worst animals, mosquitos can cause rapid diseases to not just humans but animals! And humans just everything. MOSQUITOS KILL EVERYTHING I HATE THEM! THEY HAVE NO PURPOSE IN THE FOOD CHAIN! THEY'RE NOT EVEN COOL.
Crocodiles or true crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Have you heard of Gator Land in Flordia? They keep crocodiles and alligators there and overfeed them and beat them :'(.
Yes, they can tear you to pieces! - TriggerT. This big guy is the most popular in america. Crocodile are very, very, very best animals of the India.
Sharks are a group of fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. Sharks have been around before the earth's first dinosaurs and even the earth's first trees. You are more likely to be killed by lightning than to die by a shark so sharks aren't that dangerous. You are more likely to be killed by a dancing pineapple in your dream to be honest - styLIShT. You're more likely to be killed by crocodiles than sharks. So sharks shouldn't be one of the top ten most dangerous animals. - DinoLover4242. While they are dangerous, for every human killed by a shark, 25 million sharks have been killed by humans. - noisyboy43. Sharks aren't that dangerous your more likely to be killed by other things than sharks. Also humans are not apart of a sharks diet.
Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. About 600 species are venomous, some of which can be fatal to humans if no medical help is sought. Just don't trigger the snake and you'll be fine... I think - lillyannanew Only if you are in a desert or jungle. Well, they can kill you in one bite or more, so that's why it is here - AzureCrystals+1. Run Run Just Run.
The common hippopotamus, or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy hippopotamus. Hippos are deadly! Just steer clear of them and you're safe. - lillyannanew. *chomp* You're dead. - TriggerTrashKid. Dude, why is this thing not 1st?. Scary! It WILL eat you so you can be in its big belly and it is not fun!.
The tiger is the largest cat species, most recognizable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. Tip: just don't go near a tiger and you're no longer dead meat - lillyannanew. Here is your executioner. - TriggerTrashKid. Tigers are the natural powerhouse of the big cats. If you Took a A 500 pound water buffalo and put in a lions territory it would take a whole pride to even get it to its knees. But, a tiger would need its self because a tiger could kill that water buffalo in a matter of seconds. And tigers can hold their own against Siberian brown bears and are one of the few animals who see us as a natural prey source. (Scary! ).
Surprised to see it at 8th? Haha. Well, The lion is one of the big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. The commonly used term African lion collectively denotes the several subspecies. Lions are a beautiful cat and they're deadly too - lillyannanew. One growl and you wet ya pants! - TriggerTrashKid. They are only dangerous if you harm them and it will remember that all humans are bad however if you are nice to them they will be the same back. They'll take any meat.
Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Two species are traditionally recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant, although some evidence suggests that the African bush elephants, and African forest elephants are separate species. Elephants aren't dangerous! People mistreat them and it makes me sick! STOP POACHING! STOP CIRCUSES!. They're dangerous! Don't mess with the biggies! - TriggerTrashKid. No elephants are extremely smart mammals with enough brainpower to rival people. Attacks are rare. Elephants are social animals and would prefer to avoid a fight than fight - SilverTheHedgehog. The Elephant is very friendly. It is just that they accidentally hurt people. They do not mean to at all.
Kills you in seconds with a single bite. A black widow's venom is so strong that it poisons you while turning your blood into the form of butter. The last thing I would want is to meet a huge spider. That is why I only travel to North America or Europe. Just ignore them or if they do bite u just go 2 the hospital, also just don't go to Australia.
Hope you enjoyed the read stay tuned for more. ;)
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