Tuesday 8 January 2019

Failed stock trader, 45, accused of strangling his wife to get her $5million inheritance 'tried to frame his daughter, 9, for her murder by writing a fake confession'

A failed stock broker charged with murdered his ex-wife in 2009 attempted to frame his 9-year-old daughter for the crime by writing a fake confession - it has emerged. 

According to the New York Post, court papers show Rod Covlin, 45, wrote an Apple note pretending to be his daughter Anna which then synced to her email account, three years after her mother's death. 

Anna found mom Shele Danishefsky in a bathtub at her Manhattan apartment the day before she was planning to write Covlin out of her will in 2009, court papers claim. 'All of these years I have been so incredibly afraid and guilty about the night my mom died,' Covlin wrote, posing as Anna, then 12. 'I lied. She didn't just slip. 

That day we got into a fight about her dating … I got mad so I pushed her, but it couldn't have been that hard! 'I didn't mean to hurt her! I swear! But she fell and I heard a terrible noise and the water started turning red and I tried to pull her head up but she remained still…' 

Prosecutor Matthew Bogdanos wrote in a court filing that Covlin penned the note after hearing that the DA's investigation into Danishefsky's murder was heating up again. It is claimed Covlin put his ex in a martial arts chokehold, broke her neck, then staged an accidental drowning, leaving his children to find her bloodied corpse. 

Covlin called police less than hour after discovering the 47-year-old mother-of-two in the bathtub, and told officers that he had tried to revive her.

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